FYDP Meeting Week 2. September 16th, 2022
Note Taker: Sammy Robens-Paradise
- Team Retrospective
- Update on Project Advisor
Create a plan to meet with the project advisor. How are we going to describe our project in detail to be interesting
Update on Team Contract. Can we sign it, or should we wait to submit it next week?
- Read through the requirements for the project description and create the tasks that de-chunk /docs/issues/8
- Assign all the tasks to various team members
- Devise a plan for the project description to follow up and edit so we can be sure it will be ready to submit by September 23rd.
- Officially Switch over to MS Teams?
- Pulse-check. How are we feeling about going into next week?
2 Team Retrospective
2.1 What went well over the past week?
Wednesday meeting was productive
Josh Reached out to a lot of different professors!
We are on track for deliverables for this week
Solid progress on team contract
2.2 What should we continue to do?
Communication has been good, we need to continue communication
Task creation in GitHub has been useful
GitHub in general has been an excellent approach to documentation
2.3 What do we want to start doing? Action items?
TBD, we haven’t been working together for long enough to generate some action items
Leaving Friday meeting time as-is for now may need to re-evaluate at a later date if needed
3 Project Advisor Update
Looking like Dr. Faisal is a good candidate
Action items - Josh to send an email after meeting today confirming the 9:00 - 11:00 am meeting on Monday, September 19th, 2022
4 Project Advisor Plan
We want to explain the problem space to her in more detail
Be prepared for any questions she may have. Referring to the situation of Concern may need to bring sources with us.
- Action items:
- Sammy to generate a small “elevator pitch style” document to present during the meeting
- Aliya to generate compelling metrics that outline the problem space and why it tackle able.
- The goal is to have Dr. Faisal sign the advisor agreement, which is due on September 23rd, 2022.
5 Team Contract Update
Discuss Sammy’s additions to the team contract
Action items:
- Team Sign and submit Version 1.0.0 of the team contract during Wednesday’s team meeting on September 21st, 2022.
6 Assign Tasks To Various Team Members
- Introduction (0.75-1): Hussein Nagri
- Situation of Concern (0.5-1): Hussein Nagri
- Problem Focus (1): Hussein Nagri
- Needs Assessment and Prior Art (2): Aliya Rajwani
- Ethical Implications of the Project (1): Sammy Robens-Paradise
- Project Objectives and Outcomes (1): Sammy Robens-Paradise
- System Design Engineering Approach (concept generation, selection & testing) and Application of SYDE Curriculum (2): Josh Wilkinson
- Resource Management (1): Aliya Rajwani
References: Josh Wilkinson
- Action Items:
- Josh is going to go through, make subtasks for project descriptions and assign them to the appropriate people
- Team: Group edit session will be conducted as a team during the Wednesday Meeting, on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022.
6 Pulse Check
People feel good about the workload going into next week
Wednesday we will discuss the schedule